A journey to the area affected by Kocaeli (Izmit) Earthquake of August 17, 1999, Turkey
Brief information about the earthquake:
Date & time: August 17, 3:01 local time
Magnitude: M=7.4
Maximum Intensity: about X Modified Mercali
Maximum Peak Ground Acceleration: estimate of about 0.4g to 0.5g
Following Workshop on the Seismic Behavior of Irregular Structures in Istanbul on Oct. 7-9, 1999 two excursions were undertaken to cities of Adapazari, Golcuk & Yalova to observe the disastrous effects of the earthquake on buildings. Below selected photos taken during these excursions by the author of this web site are presented.


Damaged r/c frame of a workshop under construction - behind intact steel frame under construction (left). Over: tilted house in the center of Adapazari.

Damaged buildings in Golcuk (total collapse of first floor and roof).

Collapsed first two floors of buildings in Golcuk.

Collapsed first two floors of buildings in Golcuk.
Collapsed r/c building in Golcuk (left). Damaged house and r/c building (under construction) with substantial permanent displacements (right).

Slightly damaged building in Yalova: so called "St.Andrews" crosses on the facade.